namespace = action # Assimilate Pops on Yearly Pulse event = { id = action.64 hide_window = yes is_triggered_only = yes trigger = { any_playable_country = { num_unique_species > 1 any_owned_species = { has_citizenship_type = { type = citizenship_assimilation country = prev } } } } immediate = { log = "action.64" set_update_modifiers_batch = begin every_playable_country = { limit = { num_unique_species > 1 any_owned_species = { has_citizenship_type = { type = citizenship_assimilation country = prev } } } log = "action.64.epc" if = { # ascended synths limit = { NOT = { has_country_flag = synthetic_empire } } every_owned_species = { limit = { has_citizenship_type = { type = citizenship_assimilation country = prev } } if = { # machines assimlating machines limit = { OR = { has_trait = trait_mechanical has_trait = trait_machine_unit } prev = { has_authority = auth_machine_intelligence has_active_tradition = tr_synthetics_adopt_machine } } # Deliberately do nothing here, see assimilation_effect } else_if = { # assimilator empire or cyborg empire limit = { prev = { OR = { AND = { is_hive_empire = no has_tradition = tr_cybernetics_transubstantiation_synthesis } AND = { has_authority = auth_machine_intelligence OR = { has_civic = civic_machine_assimilator has_ascension_perk = ap_organo_machine_interfacing_assimilator } } } } } modify_species = { species = this add_trait = trait_cybernetic add_traits_at_start_of_list = yes remove_trait = trait_hive_mind remove_trait = trait_self_modified remove_trait = trait_latent_psionic remove_trait = trait_psionic change_scoped_species = no effect = { set_timed_species_flag = { flag = assimilation_species_of_species@prev days = 30 } set_timed_species_flag = { flag = assimilation_species_of_empire@prevprev days = 30 } } } } else_if = { # genetic hive mind limit = { prev = { has_authority = auth_hive_mind has_tradition = tr_genetics_creation NOT = { has_civic = civic_hive_devouring_swarm } } } modify_species = { species = this add_trait = trait_hive_mind remove_trait = trait_self_modified remove_trait = trait_latent_psionic remove_trait = trait_psionic change_scoped_species = no effect = { set_timed_species_flag = { flag = assimilation_species_of_species@prev days = 30 } set_timed_species_flag = { flag = assimilation_species_of_empire@prevprev days = 30 } } } } else_if = { # cyborg hive mind limit = { prev = { has_authority = auth_hive_mind has_tradition = tr_cybernetics_transubstantiation_synthesis NOT = { has_civic = civic_hive_devouring_swarm } } } modify_species = { species = this add_trait = trait_cybernetic add_trait = trait_hive_mind add_traits_at_start_of_list = yes remove_trait = trait_self_modified remove_trait = trait_latent_psionic remove_trait = trait_psionic change_scoped_species = no effect = { set_timed_species_flag = { flag = assimilation_species_of_species@prev days = 30 } set_timed_species_flag = { flag = assimilation_species_of_empire@prevprev days = 30 } } } } else_if = { limit = { prev = { NOR = { has_ethic = ethic_gestalt_consciousness has_tradition = tr_cybernetics_transubstantiation_synthesis } } has_trait = trait_hive_mind } modify_species = { species = this remove_trait = trait_hive_mind change_scoped_species = no effect = { set_timed_species_flag = { flag = assimilation_species_of_species@prev days = 30 } set_timed_species_flag = { flag = assimilation_species_of_empire@prevprev days = 30 } } } } else_if = { #### Psionic Assimilation ADD OTHER RANDOM OPTIONS TOO limit = { prev = { has_tradition = tr_psionics_psionic_assimilation } } modify_species = { species = this add_trait = trait_psionic add_traits_at_start_of_list = yes remove_trait = trait_latent_psionic remove_trait = trait_cybernetic inline_script = { script = traits/remove_all_cybernetic_traits } effect = { set_timed_species_flag = { flag = assimilation_species_of_species@prev days = 30 } set_timed_species_flag = { flag = assimilation_species_of_empire@prevprev days = 30 } } } } } } every_owned_planet = { planet_event = { id = action.65 } } } set_update_modifiers_batch = end } }