living_standard_hive_mind_worker_tooltip:"While it may have little use for luxuries, a drone population still requires a great deal of resources to sustain itself. Will not generate leaders"
living_standard_hive_mind_worker_tooltip_delayed:"§LThe needs of the individual and the needs of all are one and the same.§!"
living_standard_hive_mind_advanced_worker_tooltip:"While it may have little use for luxuries, a drone population still requires a great deal of resources to sustain itself. Will only generate military leaders."
living_standard_hive_mind_advanced_worker_tooltip_delayed:"§LThe needs of the individual and the needs of all are one and the same.§!"
civic_bm_void_machines_desc:"This Machine Intelligence has made space yet another of its domains. Specially manufactured drones are capable of spending entire life cycles without ever entering a world's atmosphere."